Is Coors Light Gluten Free? [2023 Update]


For individuals who follow a gluten-free diet due to gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, finding safe and enjoyable beverage options is essential. Coors Light, a popular pale lager produced by the Coors Brewing Company, has garnered attention regarding its gluten content. Let’s delve into the available test results to better understand whether Coors Light can be considered a gluten-free option.

Is Coors Light Gluten-Free?

Coors Light is a popular light beer that is made with barley malt. Barley malt is a gluten-containing grain, so Coors Light is not gluten-free.

20 PPM Gluten: The Threshold Importance

Coors Light IS NOT GLUTEN FREE. It is brewed with barley malt, which is a source of gluten. However, if you have a mild gluten intolerance and/or are interested in trying “low-gluten” beers, you might wonder about the gluten content in Coors Light.

As one of the criteria for using the claim “gluten-free,” the FDA set a limit of less than 20 ppm (parts per million) for the unavoidable presence of gluten in foods that carry this label. That is the lowest level that can be consistently detected in foods using valid scientific analytical tools. Also, most people with celiac disease can tolerate foods with very small amounts of gluten. This level is consistent with those set internationally. Some living with a gluten-free diet feel safe to consume beers that test for under 20 PPM gluten.

does coors light have glutenCoors Light Gluten PPM

Beer: Coors Light

Producer: Coors Brewing Company

Style: Pale Lager

Alcohol by Volume: 4.2%

Ingredients: brewing water, hops, barley, grains and yeast


Test Results

Test 1


Test Kit: E-Z Gluten

Test result: Negative at 10 parts per million (ppm), meaning it is less than 10 ppm.

Test 2


Test Kit: GlutenTox Home Kit

Test result: I tested with a threshold of 5 ppm. The test is negative. In this test there is no indication that Coors Light has more than 5 ppm gluten.

Test 3


Test Kit: EZ Gluten

Test results:

May 2022: Gluten levels over 10ppm.

September 2022: gluten levels between 30-60ppm.


When it comes to beverages, Coors Light occupies a prominent space due to its widespread popularity. The results of multiple tests, including evaluations from the E-Z Gluten and GlutenTox Home Kit, have shed some light on Coors Light’s gluten presence, but it remains somewhat uncertain. While earlier tests indicated minimal gluten parts per million (PPM) in Coors Light, recent analyses have shown levels exceeding 20 PPM, raising concerns even for those with mild gluten intolerance.

However, one undeniable fact persists—Coors Light is brewed using barley malt, a gluten-containing grain, making it unsuitable for individuals seeking a completely gluten-free option. This emphasizes the vital importance of understanding ingredient origins and their potential impact on dietary needs. Armed with this trove of test-derived insights, individuals can make well-informed decisions that align with their distinct dietary requirements and preferences.

If you are wondering about the gluten content of other popular beers, make sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Gluten in Beer.


Gluten testing can be an intricate process, with varying test kits and methodologies leading to different outcomes. Factors such as brewing processes and batch variations might also play a role in the final results. We value the well-being of our consumers and recommend those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease to consult with their healthcare provider and conduct additional research before making their decision.